Capacity-building is aimed at engaging and stepping up the accomplishment, aptitude, cognition, processes, and resources that enterprises and communities demand to sustain, conform, and flourish in a fast-changing VUCA world. A focused and integrated LMS will greatly assist educators, teachers, and students in performing, reforming, and transforming education. An effective LMS should establish trust, and collaboration, share seamless content, certification, and aid in the appraisal of performance.

By leveraging learning management systems, such as digital e-learning tools and mobile applications, one can enhance the productivity of capacity building and training and developmental programs.
In traditional instructor-led training programs for capacity building, an enormous amount of resources are deployed with no accountability fixed on teachers as there is no follow-up training. Recent studies have indicated that only a small portion of the training outcomes are taken forward and implemented on the ground. Learning management systems can be a smart way in enlarging the scope of capacity-building activities which can be customized as per the needs of the end user. One of the advantages of using learning management tools is the infinite reusability options available remotely and the ability to reach out to a wider audience. Unlike, traditional capacity-building programs, there will be a one-time investment in technology acquisitions and other resources. More importantly, content design and development based on the training objectives will be the key factor.
Learning management tools provide better options and navigation possibilities to increase the effectiveness of capacity-building initiatives in schools, colleges, universities, and other training activities for corporate sectors as well.
Some of the powerful features of capacity building that should be incorporated into a learning management tools are the following.
Content design and development
Graphically stimulating, custom-made, collaborating, well-designed e-Learning content can advance learner engagement, aggregate the absorption and retention of information, and make it easier to decipher skills and knowledge to real-world applications. One of the biggest benefits of e-content over old-fashioned textbooks is the e-content metadata (information about the use of the e-content) because its analysis can be predominantly supportive to faculty, students, and the institution as a whole.
Virtual classroom
e-learning courses enable students how to manage their time better since the student accepts the duty of engaging with the course instead of merely showing up to class on an allocated day and time. As a consequence, students not only achieve acquaintance from the assignments, but they also polish their time management expertise.
At present all over the world, education is getting more and more expensive but e-learning can save a lot of money. The average student is spending thousands of dollars on the purchase of textbooks and related materials, transportation, and donating money to schools and universities. Many academic institutions leverage the resources they have by blending conventional teaching-learning methods with smarter, more collaborative audio and visual tools. An amalgamation of consultations, group work, video, and audio clips, and hands-on workouts are ingredients for a lively online classroom. E-learning solutions deliver abundantly and desired effectiveness for teachers, allowing them to maximize the potential for individual learning curves and styles within the classroom. Many online learning solutions account for self-paced learning and allow students and teachers to work together to meet scheduled targets.
Assessment Methods
E-learning assessment tools are scientifically designed to help teachers test remember, understanding, application, evaluating ability, creating, and many other skills like communication and technical skills. These e-tools emanate with auto-evaluation, report generation, and even grading features that transform a slow learner into a fast-paced one. Quizzes, matching exercises, self-assessments, case studies and problem-solving questions, scenario-based questions, and games are some of the best instructional tools you can use when it comes to assessing students throughout an e-Learning course. The aim of a learning management system using Bloom's taxonomy is to inspire advanced thought in the students by constructing up from lesser-level cognitive skills. Bloom's Taxonomy helps teachers to understand the objectives of classroom teaching. It guides them to change the complexity of the questions and helps students to achieve higher levels of hierarchy. Further, it helps to develop critical thinking among teachers.
AI-based personalized learning
By scrutinizing students' performance, AI-based solutions can distinguish their inclinations and capabilities. Teachers and educators can use this data to recommend personalized learning techniques. AI-based e-learning tools can identify when students are finding it hard with some assignments or concepts and help them get remedial training.